About Us

The Federation of Muslim Women's Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN) is a non-profit making and non-governmental organization. It is a civil society umbrella body for Muslim Women Associations in Nigeria.

Our Mission & Vision

FOMWAN envisions a world where women are totally empowered to be role models in making positive impact on the Society.
Our Mission

To propagate the religion of Islam in Nigeria through Da’awah, (propagation), establishment of educational institutions and other outreach activities.
To improve the socio-economic status of the populace; especially women, youths and children through training, provision of qualitative education, health and humanitarian services, micro-enterprise scheme and advocacy.


The Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN) is a non-profit making and non-governmental organization. It is a civil society umbrella body for Muslim Women Associations in Nigeria. It was established and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in 1985. FOMWAN is a National Association with chapters in 36 States and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory. There are over 600 Local Government Branches throughout the Federation, 550 affiliate groups, and over 80,000 registered members.

1983 and 1984: The idea to form an all-embracing national Muslim women organisation was mooted by some committed Muslim women.
1985: FOMWAN was formally inaugurated in Minna, Niger State at the Islamic Education Trust with delegates from Ilorin, Lagos, Minna, Kaduna, Kano, Jos and Zaria
1985: Registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission was concluded.
Selection of a National Executive Committee and State Amirahs for the States present at the meeting was concluded and a working constitution was adopted for the guidance of FOMWAN, with emphasis on conduct of national and State elections in a peaceful and responsible manner. The maximum period of office for any elective post was fixed at four years. For ease of communication and effective discharge of their responsibilities, the constitution recommends that the Amirah, the secretary, the financial secretary and the treasurer be resident close to one another.

Aims & Objectives

To create awareness among Muslim Women of the true teachings of Islam in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and to encourage women to live in accordance with those teachings.
To improve the moral, educational and economic development of women through capacity building, seminars and empowerment programmes.
To promote and propagate the cause of Islam in Nigeria and beyond.
To make positive impact on national matters both religious and secular with a view to safe guarding the interest of lslam.
To unite and coordinate Muslim women’s organizations in Nigeria so as to enable them to speak with one voice, by acting and making decisions together.
To serve as a liaison body between Muslim women and the Governments (Federal, State and local) ofNigeria.
To improve the physical and emotional well being of women through health programs, establishment of hospitals, clinics and counseling centers.

Core Values

Respect for Islamic values.
Commitment to Integrity
Accountability and transparency.

Organisational Structure

FOMWAN has a Board of Trustees and executive committees at the national, state, and local government levels. The elected State Amirahs (State Presidents) are members of the National Executive Council in addition to the elected National Amirah (National President), Naibatul Amirah (Vice President), Secretary-General, Financial Secretary, Da’awah/Welfare Officer, Legal Adviser, and a Public Relations Officer. Also, members of the Executive Council are Chairpersons of National Committees, Zonal Coordinators, and Deputy Zonal Coordinators for the North East 1&2, North West 1&2, North Central 1&2, South West 1&2, South-South and South East 1&2.

Every Muslim women’s association/organization in Nigeria is eligible to apply for membership of the Federation provided such an association has satisfactorily proven itself to be bound by the aims and objectives contained in its constitution. Every official and member of FOMWAN at every level is obliged to observe and conform to the code of conduct and guidelines set out in the FOMWAN Constitution.

General Outlook

  • Nationwide, FOMWAN enjoys a lot of respect for its management of unity in diversity and the commitment of its members. FOMWAN has also been involved in Civic Education and election monitoring. Though a non-partisan organization, FOMWAN is continuously making efforts to empower Muslim women to actively participate in governance.
  • FOMWAN’s network all over the Federation provides an excellent structure for reaching out to youths of various diversities on religion, governance, leadership, career guidance, skill acquisition, and health matters through the Youth Camps.
  • FOMWAN is also engaged in activities that alleviate children’s difficulties through its Orphanage homes, scholarships, and other support programs.
  • FOMWAN is committed to the maintenance of the dignity and rights of the child, through networking and cooperation with other organizations and Govemment(s) to challenge all forms of child abuse: child trafficking, child prostitution, child labor, and exploitation. FOMWAN is a major stakeholder in the implementation of child rights.
  • FOMWAN practices inclusive education, where a school takes care of the less privileged- the deaf, dumb, mentally challenged and is currently building its capacity in special education.
  • FOMWAN is committed to reproductive health and rights issues, particularly maternal health. It has standard hospitals and clinics across the North and South of the country providing inpatient, outpatient, antenatal, surgical, and other services to their communities.
  • FOMWAN is actively involved in- efforts at reducing maternal mortality and VVF repair. It has been involved in child 83 reproductive health care and in the campaign against HIV/AIDS. It has also increased awareness of the benefits of clinic-based health care services.
  • FOMWAN has been involved in the development of a communication plan, which incorporates advocacy, communication, and social mobilization approaches to control malaria. It is also involved in mobilization and distribution of Long Lasting Insecticides Net (LLIN) to make Nigeria a malaria-free zone.
  • FOMWAN, being an education-focused organization, not only advocates for the enrolment and retention of girls in schools, and continuing education for married women, it also promotes educational development through the establishment of schools and vocational centers for women and youth empowerment.
  • FOMWAN has also continued to mobilize the populace, especially the Muslim Ummah to pay attention to education, through the inauguration of its Annual Education Lecture Series.
  • FOMWAN recently reviewed and updated its strategic plan for the next five years, focusing on the organization’s strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats and identifying specific achievable projects in the next five years. This is expected to result in a more viable, stronger, and effective organization, capable of making an impact on local communities positively while influencing the policies that affect women, children, and youths within the dictates of Islam.